The Key To Home Gym Design

Always dreamed of having your own home gym? See how simple this is to achieve with our key information. The right gym design and the right gym equipment will motivate you to workout whenever you want!
We wanted to provide a quyick and simple starter guide to highlight some of the key things you need to consider before you splurge the cash and set up your own home gym.
Whatever your ability, creating a special workout space in your own home (or in a bespoke garden gym room) doesn't have to be complicated or time-consuming. You can also do it relatively cheaply, if you know what you want to achieve and how you workout. First things first.
Why Invest In A Home Gym?
If you invest wisely in the right equipment and design the gym correctly to function as a gym then you will add value to your home as well as making it more sellable 1. .
But apart from increase the value, if you choose to sell, why else should you think about spending a little money on createing a workout space that motivates you to exercise more?
One of the key reasons people opt to get some equipment at home and/or to design a home gym is the sheer convenience of having it there. Come home late, you can still work out. Can't sleep or just restless, workout at midnight if you want. It's all about fitness fitting in around your lifestyle and your needs.
This is often the number one reason we're asked about when design a gym for the home.
Cost Savings?
Most people assume a gym will be too expensive to set up and so don't look in to the numbers properly. As with everything, this is both a "correct" and an "incorrect" assumption.
For costs, you must consider whether you are looking at a full on home gym set up, or just a bench and some weights. The two options offer home workouts, but are at the extreme end of the spectrum
Gym memberships, time and getting to and from the club all costs money. From the new low, no frills gyms at £9.99 per month with no commitment, through to David Lloyd type memberships that can start at over £100 per month.
So small investments can help you save that monthly fee, save you time and hassle going to the gym and will almost definitely be a better workout environment for you - because it's your home.
We are big advocates of starting small and then adding to your gym with key bits of equipment as you see the beenftis and get used to working out this way.
Space & Hygiene
If COVID taught us one thing, it's that we're all pretty intolerant of others that choose not to be as considerate with their hygienic and habits as we'd like! This is another key reason for a lot of people that contact us. Making sure there's no sweaty equipment and, as much as possible, being bacteria free and ready to use when you start your workout.
The space element is not just 'your space' it's about the space in which you want to train. This requires proper planning and some thought about how you want to use the gym. Putting in equipment that suits the space and doesn't completely fill it means choosing innovative products like the NOHRD Slim Beam where space is an issue.
We all know how unappealing a sweaty piece of equipment can be. So one great advantage of your own gym is that you know who has used the equipment and you can keep everything clean and bacteria free. You can also play the music you want and how loud you want.
You Can Be Who You Are
We add this in as some people do admit to finding gyms intimidating. They fear that they will be judges or appraised by how heavy the weights are for example that they lift. You may also feel that you will be judged by how thin or fat you are. In your own home no one will judge you.
Individual Space
Some people insist on going to a gym because they enjoy meeting people and working out with others. But if you have a home gym you can always invite friends over to work out with you or if you have the right equipment and hi fi you can for example link in technologically with your favourite class-this is possible on some stationary bikes for example.
Initial Things to Consider
Not an exhaustive list, more an initial high level group of things we always think you should think about. We're also not giving the answers - as every gym solution is different.
The Benefits
- Ease of use
- Always on hand
- Personal space
- Anytime workouts
- Your choice of equipment
- Training other people?
- Versatility - change things whenever
Where You Want Your Gym?
- Garage vs garden vs house?
- Upstairs, ground floor or basement?
- Front of house, back of house?
What Size Space?
- Cardio - multiple pieces?
- Free weights and bars?
- Large racks or rigs?
- Cardio and free weight sections?
- Pilates or Yoga centric?
- Rubber flooring - black or coloured?
- Sprint track for push-pull sled work?
- Zoned flooring?
- LVT and Rubber mats?
Lighting & Colour
- Mirrors or no mirrors?
- Mood lighting or spotlights?
- Light relaxing pastel colours?
- Strong bold colour scheme?
Audio Visual
- TVs important?
- Cardio with ethernet connection?
- HiFi and Sound systems?
- Surround sound or not?
Heating / Cooling
- Will it need to be heated?
- Windows face South - air con?
- Ceiling vs Mobile unit
In Summary
There are literally hundreds of questions you could keep asking yourself. From looking to hang equipment (think boxing bags) through to how you space your room the 'Feng Shui' way for positive energy, the list is endless.
The point of our article was just to prepare you for some of the more obvious options you will have available to you if you decide to make that choice. It really is down to you and your needs, and you and your budgets. Our job is simply to help you uncover the things that are uimpoirtant vs the things that are less important or that can be overlooked
1. Friday January 06 2017, The Times